Able Catch – Moth Traps – Elevated

You discover a moth problem because you start swatting annoying moths flying around your kitchen or in front of the TV.   These in-flight moths are a sure sign of an infestation.

Notice, that you didn’t find out you had a moth control issue from observing a moth walk across a panty shelf..  No,  Adult Moths fly… and they tend to fly at night , and ‘toward the light’ . 

Three simple steps to get rid of moths in your kitchen start with

  1. remove all of the infested food
    (typically clumped together with moth larvae webbing)
  2. wipe down all edges and crevices
    pantry moth larvae hide in tight spots.  In some cases 10 – 50 moth larvae can live in a cocoon at the edge of a soup can.   Physically wiping down these surfaces removes moth larvae and moth pupae
  3. deploy pheromone moth traps
    moth traps are deployed to capture adult moths, who are no longer interested in eating. They only have mating on the mind.  and ADULT MOTHS FLY

Why most Pantry Moth Traps don’t work

Ok, it is an exaggeration that most moth traps ‘don’t work’, what should be said is that they don’t work as well as they could.

Case in point:  Most moth trap directions say to place the trap near moths.   and no other guidance.

A couple moth trap instructions tell you to place the moth trap at least 5 feet from the ground, so as to attract flying moths.  Makes sense.   How do you place a trap at 5 ft above the ground?  Duct tape?  Most traps are triangular and the top of the trap is in

the center which makes even duct taping (which I would not recommend) difficult at best..

Able Catch Tab Wings Pheromone Moth Trap

Moth Traps – Elevated – Able Catch

Traps Direct Able Catch Pantry Pest Traps ( ACPPT ) solve the issue of trap placement by embedding moving the Tab to one of the 4 corners of the traps and then adding WINGS to the Tab portion of the trap.  Tab Wings

TAB WING Clasp Loop on ceiling fan chainThe Green Wings (from the Front, blue wings from the back) can be used to Tuck into spaces like a switch plate, or cupboard knob,  or bend the wings into hooks to attach to a mini-blind, curtain or lampshade  and lastly Loop the overlapped wings around shelf supports, knobs even fan chain pulls.

Give the Tab Wings a try, you’ll take your moth traps to a new level, and avoid UMIE ( Uncontrolled Moth Infestation Embarrassment )